Talks, book celebrations, fundraisers, roundtables, and our recurring lecture series centered on keywords in psychosocial thought
A Return to Freud? New Histories of Psychoanalysis
March 20-21, UC Berkeley.
Note: This event is in-person AND live streamed, and registration is required.
Co-organized by Hannah Zeavin & Ramsey McGlazer
Full program forthcoming
Space is limited. Free for all to attend. Click the link to register for the livestream. In-person is sold out.
Register here.
Location: Maude Fife Room, Wheeler Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California
What might the study of psychoanalysis in and for the twenty-first century look like? In our symposium, we will aim to answer this question. Gathering on the centennial of the publication of Freud’s own “autobiographical” study, forty scholars, artists, and clinicians will take up the idea of a “return to Freud” by addressing psychoanalysis now—and taking its legacies seriously.
This three-day symposium brings together a diverse, interdisciplinary body of scholars engaged in the project of renewing psychoanalysis for the twenty-first century, drawing on its neglected twentieth-century archives.
Because this return to Freud is not merely an academic concern, we invite members of the public to join us, and to engage with academics, clinicians, and artists who have made Freud central to their work. To that end, the conference will feature panels, roundtables, public-facing conversations, and an evening film program. The event will culminate in a day of closed-door discussion for our speakers on issues facing the field, past and present.
Thursday March 20
Maude Fife, Wheeler Hall
Check-in at 9:00am for guests & speakers
Opening remarks Hannah Zeavin & Ramsey McGlazer @ 930am
1st panel: 10:00 - 1145am
Must We Look to Vienna?
Samiha Khalil, “Moses, the Alien”
George Makari, “How Viennese Is It?: On Discursive Communities and the Origins of Psychoanalysis”
Elizabeth Ann Danto, “‘A Better Path’: Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Community Psychoanalysis”
Matt ffytche, “Resistance, Armor, Defence: The Psychoanalytic War on Character”
Moderator: Ben Kafka
2nd panel 11:45am-130pm
Psychoanalysis at the Center of the World
Omnia El Shakry, “Psychoanalysis and its Limits”
Noor Asif, “Masud Khan and the Use of Hate”
Laila Riazi, “Lose your Father: Mass Hysteries of the Young Girl”
Hannah Proctor, “‘Adaptation to society is the last thing they have in mind’: Psychoanalysis, Youth Revolt, and the 1968 Columbia University Occupations”
Moderator: Stefania Pandolfo
3rd Panel 3:00 - 4:45pm
Colonial Psychoanalysis
Howard Chiang, “X-Rays of the Mind: Projective Tests, Geopolitics, and the Cultural Laboratory of the Sinophone Pacific”
Akshi Singh, “Unconscious Terrorists: Colonialism, Violence, Insanity”
Kevin Duong, “The Surrealist War Against Race War at UNESCO”
Amy Wong, “‘Don't Say Catharsis’: Quiescence in Asian America”
Moderator: M. Ty
Film Screening: 5:00 - 6:30pm
A Child’s Drawing, Autistic Cartographies, and Asylum
Film presentation of Fernand Deligny’s Ce gamin, là (1975) and J'ai huit ans (1961), by Olga Baïdar-Poliakoff, René Vautier, and Yann Le Masson’s (with Frantz Fanon)
Introduction: Perwana Nazif
Moderator: Hannah Zeavin
Friday March 21
Maude Fife
Check-in at 9:00am for guests & speakers
4th panel: 915-10:45am
Augmented Psychoanalysis
Candela Potente, “On the Translatability of Psychoanalysis: Marie Langer”
Elizabeth Lunbeck, “Freudbot: ‘Your Own Sigmund Freud’”
Poulomi Saha, “Mother Mother Mother: On Fleeing into Devotion, By Way of Analysis"
Jonathan Sadowsky, "Inner Visions: Psychoanalysis, Psychedelics, and the Meanings of Medicine"
Moderator: Mitchell Wilson
5th Panel 11-12:45pm:
Fanon Wars
Jared Sexton, Freud’s Pessimism (And Mine, I Mean Yours, I Mean Ours)
Nica Siegel, “Confession, Retraction, Feeling Bound: Fanon in Colonial Court”
Gavin Arnall, “Fanon’s Militant Psychiatry”
Moderator: Tobias Warner
6th panel 2-3345pm
Symptomatic Reading Now
Patricia Gherovici, "Why War (on Gender)?"
Elizabeth Wilson, “Notes on Feminism and Mentalization”
Michelle Rada, “Ironizing the Symptom”
Carolyn Laubender, “Auto-Theory, Auto-Analysis: Freud, Gender, and the Plural Self”
Moderator: Lily Scherlis
7th panel 345-530pm
To Cure Psychiatry
Patricia Ekpo, “Blackness: An Ordinary Psychosis”
Mariano Ben Plotkin, “Psychoanalysis and Subjectivity in the 21st Century: Challenges from the South”
Joana Masó, “A Doctoral Sleeping Beauty: Lacan’s Tosquelles”
Francisco González, “Life in Common — Or, Psychoanalysis and its Discontents”
Moderator: Ramsey McGlazer
Closing remarks
Confirmed speakers include:
Gavin Arnall, Noor Asif, Howard Chiang, Elizabeth Ann Danto, Kevin Duong, Patricia Gherovici, Patricia Ekpo, Matt ffytche, Francisco González, Ben Kafka, Samiha Khalil, Carolyn Laubender, Karima Lazali, Elizabeth Lunbeck, George Makari, Joana Masó, Ramsey McGlazer, Perwana Nazif, Danny Nobus, Stefania Pandolfo, Candela Potente, Mariano Ben Plotkin, Hannah Proctor, Michelle Rada, Laila Riazi, Camille Robcis, Jonathan Sadowsky, Poulomi Saha, Jared Sexton, Omnia El Shakry, Nica Siegel, Akshi Singh, M. Ty, Elizabeth Wilson, Amy Wong, & Hannah Zeavin.
Hosted by the University of California, Berkeley and the Psychosocial Foundation. Made possible by generous support from the Berkeley Center for New Media; the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry; the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; the Center for Middle Eastern Studies; the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society; the Departments of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies, Comparative Literature, English, Film and Media, German, History, Italian Studies, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, Rhetoric, and Spanish and Portuguese; the Program in Critical Theory; the Social Sciences Division; and the Townsend Center for the Humanities at UC Berkeley.
A Year of Genocide: Confronting Global Inaction
The Red Clinic, the Greene Clinic, and the Psychosocial Foundation present this collaborative online event, bringing together psychoanlaysts, activists, poets, economists and others, to reflect on a year of genocide and think together about paths beyond global apathy and indifference.
All proceeds will go to the Ajyal Foundation for their work supporting the mental health of Gazans.
Saturday October 26, 5pm GMT, 1pm EST, 10am PST
Recording available here.
Clinics and their Worlds
NOTE: This panel has been moved from APSA in solidarity with striking workers in Los Angeles. At check out, you will have the option to donate to the UNITE HERE Local 11 strike fund.
September 02, 2023
3pm EST / 12pm PST / 8pm London
"The clinic" is a political site because it concerns organized human suffering and its amelioration. With and against this basic insight, the clinic is also a crucial site of political theorizing because the tools of these transformations are themselves laced through with questions of hierarchy and identity. As Michel Foucault has argued, judgments about what it means to be "cured" demand political judgments: what is normal? what does it mean to thrive in a world with others? under what conditions does refusal to thrive indict the social world and not only the patient? What are the relations between sites of revolt and sites of self-making? How does the spatial imaginary of transformation change once we imagine intimacy and refusal to be co-constitutive? In this panel, alongside more manifestly clinical works, we will consider the life of this tension on a number of other sites including the workplace, the prison, the revolutionary assembly, the factory floor, the neighborhood, and the home, considering their relational logic and well as their material structure.
Kevin Duong: "Psychiatry for Internal Colonialism: the Lafargue Clinic in Harlem, 1946-1958"
Hannah Zeavin: "Deprivation: The Origins of Attachment Theory in the Prison Clinic."
Nica Siegel: "Desiring Politics: Herbert Marcuse, Maladjustment and the End of History Thesis."
Begüm Adalet: "An Insurgent Mood: Politics of the Home in Lorraine Hansberry’s Writings"
Moderator: Benjamin McKean
Discussant: Alexia Alkadi-Barbaro
Parapraxis in Conversation
Keyword: “The Psychosocial”
Saturday May 21, 2022
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm London
“The Psychosocial” with Professors Stephen Frosh, Rosaura Martinez & Samo Tomšič. Moderated by Alex Colston.
Watch here.
Parapraxis in Conversation
Keyword: “The Maternal”
July 9, 2022
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for a conversation on “The Maternal,” with Professors Joy James, Sarah Knott, and Lisa Baraitser. Moderated by Hannah Zeavin.
Release Celebration for Everything and Everyone, by M.E. O’Brien and Eman Abdelhadi with Lara Sheehi
September 4, 2022
12 PST / 3pm EST / 9pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for a celebration of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, with co-authors M.E. O’Brien and Eman Abdelhadi and discussant Dr. Lara Sheehi. Book available here.
Watch here.
Parapraxis in Conversation
Keyword: “Melancholy”
September 17, 2022
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for a conversation on “Melancholy,” with Professors Anne Cheng, Ranjana Khanna, and David Eng. Moderated by Jane Hu.
Watch here.
Release Celebration for Psychoanalysis in a Plague Year by Donald Moss
October 8th, 2022
10am PST/ 1pm EST/ 6pm London / 7pm Italy
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for a release celebration of Psychoanalysis in a Plague Year by Donald Moss, with T.J. Clark, Giuseppe Civitarese, and others. Book available here.
Watch here.
Psychoanalysis and the Chinese Diaspora
October 30th, 2022
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for “Psychoanalysis and the Chinese Diaspora,” a formal roundtable with Professors Nan Z. Da, Amy Wong, Dora Zhang, Howard H. Chiang and Jane Hu.
Parapraxis in Conversation
Keyword: “Clinic”
November 12, 2022
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation x Parapraxis for a conversation on “Clinic” with Dr. Francisco Gonzalez and Professors Ankhi Mukherjee and Camille Robcis. Moderated by Noor Asif.
Watch here.
Critical Roundtable on The Body Keeps the Score
January 28, 2023
4pm EST / 1pm PST / 9pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation & Parapraxis for a Critical Roundtable on The Body Keeps the Score with Pato Hebert, Carlin Wing, Sumitra Rajkumar, and Angelica Clayton.
Watch here.
A Roundtable on Love
March 18, 2023
4pm EST / 1pm PST / 9pm London
Join The Psychosocial Foundation & Parapraxis for a roundtable on Love, featuring Merve Emre, Anahid Nersessian, and Ronjaunee Chatterjee, moderated by Hannah Zeavin.
Watch here.